Life of a Mom

Real talk with moms …..

Its hard trying to be the perfect mom, always comparing yourself to other moms who look like they have

their lives together but in reality they are just like you .. Look at that mom she has it together her kids

are so well behaved   , but the truth is we moms have no idea what were doing half the time.. I have 4

kids and I wake up not knowing how my day will begin or end.. Its something new everyday. I look at

social media and I see these moms who have perfect kids perfect homes, and I look at my life and I

barely make all my chores , my day isn't long enough for the things my kids have planned. I love being

mom it’s the greatest gift god could ever give me, but I was not prepared for the sleepless nights the

ever ending screaming and crying , you are never really ready for motherhood , doesn’t matter if its your

first kid or 5th its never the same . I know first hand , I have 4 and  not one was the same, my boys are

the hardest ones yet, my daughter was the easiest kid ever .. I really believe that girls are so much easier

then boys, it’s a whole new ball park with them  , I bet a lot of you moms can relate to that.. I am a stay

at home mom/wife, I haven't worked in 4 years , although I would love to, my schedule doesn’t fit with

my kids, I know a lot of moms have this problem, and plus daycare is outrage now a days , I mean come

on , almost 900 a month , that like rent .. Lol I've always enjoyed writing, and giving advice, and I've always

thought about starting a blog , and here I am writing about my life and how imperfect it is, and that’s

okay, I know a lot of stay at home moms understand what we go through, just because their lives are the

same its a struggle. I could on and on about my life, my blog isn't just about me, its about moms, moms who 

struggle and just need a pick me up on knowing they are not alone, because trust me i thought i was . 

This is my first blog and i don't know much about being a blogger, but I'm learning along the way, and i really

hope you enjoy my writing and life advice on being a mother !!! 


  1. I want to know what people think .. so please leave comments and let me know how i am doing , or what you think .. thank you !!!


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