
Hi my name is Kristin , I am 30 years old . I have 4 beautiful children , 3 are mine and I have a step son who is 10 years old who has changed my life the past 3 and half years , I also have a 8 year old daughter , a 5 year old son and my littlest one is 2 years old . My motherhood started when i turned 22 years old, my daughter changed my life, ill tell you right now if i had my 2 year old first i would never have anymore kids lol , being a mother isn't all i expected , its a lot harder , the endless crying and screaming, the sleepless nights , you would think it gets easier as the get older, but my kids its not.. lol !!

  I am a fitness mom as well , I started my journey over a year ago , and that's my passion right now , getting into the gym and hitting my goal . but enough about myself , lets talk about motherhood, the ends and outs of it , the challenges of it  ..
lets chat... I want to hear about all of your motherhood experiences the challenges you face ! 
comment below ! 


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